Connect Chem After I Miss a Quesiton It Wont Let Me Attempt It Again


I want to switch my lecture (or lab) to some other day or fourth dimension slot.

We urge students to be very conscientious doing this. Because they are co-requisites, the organization will not allow you to drop just a lab or lecture -- it will drop them both. If some other pupil is on the Waitlist, your seat might be re-assigned. You risk losing both of your seats. Even so, you can switch your lecture or lab section past following these steps CAREFULLY:

i) Select Webdrop adjacent to the course you lot wish to switch.

two) Enter the CRN number of the new form into the manual add space at the lesser of your registration screen.

3) Hit Submit.

If a seat is bachelor in your new course, your old and new grade should switch without a problem. If you go any error bulletin, do non proceed. Brand sure you take looked over all of the steps. If a trouble persists, contact the Chemistry Instructional Program Assistant.

Why does the lecture/lab not add to my schedule when I register? Both are open.

Both the lecture and lab must exist added to the pending schedule before either will exist added to the registration schedule. Y'all will need to either select both in the Athena Registration screens or enter both lecture and lab Course Registration Numbers (CRNs) into your Add/Driblet screen in Athena.

I am trying to add a Chemistry lecture and lab and Athena is giving me an error. What do I do?

Exist sure the courses you are attempting to add are open, that you do not accept a time conflict, and that you have met all of the pre-requisites. If a problem persists, y'all can contact Chemical science Instructional Program Assistant and she tin can assistance.

Is there a waiting list for my chemistry course?

In that location are waitlists for the labs, but due to restrictions in Athena, in that location are no waitlists for lectures. Please sign up for the waitlist past manually adding the CRN number for both lecture and lab to your registration screen. After you striking submit, a driblet downwards menu side by side to the lab should appear and y'all can add together yourself to "Waitlist Registered."

Of import: The Registrar removes all waitlists 3 days before the offset of classes.

I have a passing grade in a grade but would like to retake it to get credit in my major or to become a higher course. How do I do that?

Contact the Undergraduate Chemistry Coordinator at indicating that you would similar to repeat a course. Please provide your name, the number and name of the course (Chem XXXX) to echo, your 810 number, and your UGA e-mail address. If you received a grade of F, then information technology is not necessary to receive an override -- you may simply register for the course.

How exercise I get permission to take an honors class?

Contact the Honors department located in Moore Higher. The phone number is (706) 542-3240 and the email is

How exercise I audit a class?

Speak with the instructor to receive permission to register through Athena for the course. In that location is a separate menu in Athena for registering as an inspect.

Do I accept to retake the lab if I take already passed the lab?

No, if you lot are satisfied with your grade in the lab, then it is not necessary to retake the lab. All the same, you must obtain an Override to register for a lecture without the co-requisite lab. Contact the Undergraduate Chemistry Administrator at .

Can the Chemistry department just add me into the lecture class that I would similar since I take a lab seat?

No. Students must register for available lecture seats using Athena. At that place are no exceptions.

Can I take the lecture without the lab if I have AP credit?

If a pupil has earned AP credit for a grade simply would like to take the lecture only, the student must request an override to take either the lecture or the lab. Taking the course deletes the AP credit, however. It is also important to realize that non all graduate, dental, veterinarian, medical and other professional schools accept AP credits. This applies to both lecture and lab credits. Whether or not to retake a class that a educatee has previously earned credit for is a consideration that should be made advisedly based on future plans, financial assistance and other factors. Please contact the Undergraduate Chemistry Coordinator to asking an override to delete the AP credit and take the chemical science course at Information technology is of import to point the student'south name, 810 number, and the proper noun of the course (due east.thou. Chem 1211) as well.

Can I accept the lecture without the lab if one is non available or if the time does not work with my schedule?

No, the lecture and lab are corequisites; they must be taken at the same time. In that location are no exceptions to this rule due to safety regulations.

Transfer Students

My chemical science form (from another establishment) is non posted to my transcript. How exercise I register for a class?

If the class is a thou or 2000 level course, delight e-mail the Undergraduate Chemistry Coordinator at For all other 3000 level and higher courses, please contact Kelli Porterfield at

Can I register for a UGA grade now if I am taking the prerequisite grade at my electric current school?

No. We do not have the ability to monitor pass/fail for students taking courses at other institutions. Transfer students must consummate the course and provide proof of a passing grade prior to getting a pre-requisite override for the side by side grade in the sequence.

What is your Undergraduate Transfer Policy?

Yous can notice more about our Undergraduate Transfer Policy here.


Whom practise I contact about Research hours?

You need to submit the online Undergraduate Inquiry Request, which tin can be found hither.

Delight contact Dr. Tina Salguero (in Chemistry 573 or with questions, including requests for Chemistry research credit with professors outside of the Chemistry section.

Facts and Figures

What are typical grades in the Freshman Chemistry sequence (CHEM 1211, CHEM 1212)?

The UGA full general chemistry program uses a "contract" organisation for assigning grades. Details nigh what full "points" or per centum of them is required to earn a specific grade appear in each grade'south syllabus. In that location is no limit to the number of each course; this depends on how each student performs. Other institutions use a "curve", a system based on the arithmetics hateful and standard deviations in which the number of people who earn each grade is determined by statistics.

course grades

Why aren't these courses graded on a curve?

Some people believe that a "bend" ways amend grades for all or a more generous grading system. In fact, the opposite is true. Statistics define the arithmetic hateful (i.e., boilerplate grade) and the standard deviation defines the distribution of scores relative to the mean. Slightly more than two-thirds of all grades (68.2%) are within one standard departure of the hateful, 34.i% above it and 34.ane% beneath it. Nigh 95% of all grades are inside two standard deviations ( each above and below). This is called the normal distribution or bell-shaped curve. Independent of the average on an exam, the boilerplate (mean) and standard difference tin be used to find your ranking.

The disadvantage of the "bend" is that when students withdraw, the boilerplate scores change with the population. When students with the lower scores withdraw and are no longer counted, the "average" of the remaining students keeps increasing. With a grading "contract", UGA students e'er have a sense of where they stand in an absolute sense. There is also more incentive to students because there is no limit to the number of each grade.

Success in Full general Chemistry courses

How DOES a student earn a superlative grade?

Several strategies can lead to success. The first is that general chemistry courses require a considerable corporeality of effort evenly spread beyond the unabridged semester. Work on assignments over several days and not just before the deadline. Nearly college instructors (especially those in challenging courses) recommend 2 to 3 hours per hour of course time per week. A second strategy is to understand the ideas that the homework or quizzes are based on. Organize all of the questions from the clicker questions in class, the homework, and the solved issues in the lecture videos and text. They are all related to the 5 to 8 big ideas in each chapter. Recognize the idea, what the questions inquire, and how they are all related. Memorizing the approach to a question is rarely useful; doing a prescribed ready of steps (i.e., algorithm) every time you encounter sure words or a concept does not assist when the next question is even slightly different. Practice the skills of recognizing the ideas with a new set of problems; the end of chapter problems are platonic for this activity. Call back that this procedure takes fourth dimension simply develops your problem-solving skills that will be useful beyond these courses.

If I understand the solved bug in grade and in the video, why aren't my test scores improve?

Watching an instructor solve a problem in course or video certainly means that yous understand the bones ideas. That's great, but it represents the everyman level of agreement according to cognitive models. These courses require problem solving and applying knowledge at much higher levels of learning. As a pupil, YOU have to exist able to solve the problems. The electronic homework questions give the students several attempts, often with intervening hints or tutorials. Simply remembering the question and answer is typically not very useful because almost whatever variation tin't be solved by this strategy. Why am I doing these steps? What simple changes volition I recognize and what adjustments need to exist made in my process? The general chemistry plan uses a course of homework or self-assessment called "progress checks". These requite students alternative questions just simply one try to examination their skills. In addition, the textbook has substantial numbers of end-of-affiliate problems with which to practice. Recognizing the material in a variety of forms and devising a plan of action are the skills to reach.

I made a "D" in my Chemical science lecture form. Tin I still motion on and take the next class in the sequence?

Yes. Technically a "D" is a passing grade, so yous tin take other courses. All the same, a "D" may not satisfy your major requirements so you should bank check with your counselor about the best form of action.

What should I take every bit a review before taking CHEM 1211? It has been awhile since I took chemical science and I don't remember anything.

Taking CHEM 1110 is possible but not helpful. The course coverage is different so it does not work as a preface for CHEM 1211. Additionally, taking both courses decreases financial aid hours without completing additional core requirements. If you feel like you need a preparatory course prior to taking CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L, the Chemistry Section now offers CHEM 1210.

Find out more than about CHEM 1210 here.

Where tin I get help?

Every instructor has office hours, and some offer additional assist sessions. Graduate teaching assistants can provide help with content from lecture and lab courses. The form syllabus or the news and announcements on the eLC site will tell you where and when you can access your instructor and the TAs. The Office of Bookish Enhancement offers free tutoring in their facility in Memorial Hall and at the Miller Learning Center. Paid tutors are available on and off campus. Finding someone who just gives out sets of questions and answers is not likely to be of much help. (The textbook has hundreds of free questions.) Many students find these courses challenging; therefore, information technology should be obvious that at that place is no footling reply. On the other hand, figuring it out is both satisfying and productive.

Why do many students feel that these courses are especially difficult?

Many students have career aspirations that require a serious academic programme. No one says that you also can't accept a expert time while being academically successful. Every student accepted into UGA has the requisite skills to succeed in these introductory courses. In the aforementioned manner, each student is also expected to develop written report habits and a work ethic that volition be successful at the collegiate level.

Urban Legends

Is the Chemistry Section on probation or review for giving likewise many low grades?

Admittedly not! Chemistry course instructors are committed to the success of our students and do NOT assign large numbers of failing grades. The Section carefully monitors grades every semester. In addition, the Section uses standardized exams from the American Chemical Society that are used at hundreds of universities. On average, our students perform at or higher up the national average on these exams. A few students make these kinds of statements in social media and they get "urban fable." In fact, they are merely fishing for an explanation of why they did not achieve a top-level grade.

Why practice these courses accept the reputation of being "weedout" courses?

The Chemical science department does non carry "weedout" courses. Our kinesthesia is devoted to the success of our students. Chemical science is a challenging bailiwick, but no more then than other physical sciences. There is no agenda to indiscriminately eliminate or fail students. We are an educational establishment, and doing so would brand no sense at all. The "weedout" description is simply an urban legend, oft posted by disgruntled students.

How does the introductory chemistry program calibrate or "review" itself?

The people who teach in our plan are professionals. They have been trained on the best practices both in teaching and pupil learning. Some of them conduct enquiry on student learning and educatee problem solving.  In add-on, the department employs assessment tools and standardized examinations that used by hundreds of colleges and thousands of students per year. UGA students perform as well or better when compared to national norms.

Questions for Parents

Does getting a grade below a B disqualify a educatee from a Hope (or other) scholarship?

No. Fiscal aid and scholarships have Federal and State requirements. The grade in whatsoever one class, including a chemistry course, will neither qualify nor disqualify the student. Scholarship administrators check for "satisfactory academic progress" which is an overall record of activity and performance.

Linguistic communication from the website of the Office of Financial Assist states that… "…Promise Scholarship students volition exist checked to come across if they are maintaining a minimum iii.0 Hope GPA at the cease of the semesters in which they have attempted their 30th, 60th, 90th hours and at the end of every spring semester."

Chemical science instructors assign grades considerately, following a grading scheme that is available in the syllabus each semester. The average grades in our courses are only at or to a higher place a B- (i.e., two.7/four.0). We do non employ "class aggrandizement," and so students from secondary schools where everyone receives an A or B may be shocked to find a different system in identify.

Parents and guardians demand to be aware of these policies .

How should a parent help a student who is having problem succeeding in chemistry?

Above all, parents should be positive and encouraging in their discussions. Entering freshmen are sometimes surprised to realize that, unlike some high schools, UGA does not back up "grade inflation" where every student gets an A or a B. Still, the Department of Chemical science, like every other section at UGA, is singularly focused on helping students succeed. In addition to advisedly-planned lectures and laboratory exercises, we offer countless office hours, study groups, and tutoring plans to assist our students. The three most important pieces of advice for students are these:

one. Focus on understanding concepts and practice past solving problems. Memorization simply does not piece of work in higher-level physical sciences.

ii. Build report habits that include an hour or so of chemistry study every day. Last-infinitesimal cramming for examinations does not piece of work.

3. Seek out the advice of your instructor equally shortly as you experience y'all are existence challenged by a particular concept or topic. Our instructors provide office hours every week for this exact purpose – take reward of their willingness to help y'all.


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